

REcent work, stories & guides

Entrepreneurship, MIndset

January 8, 2023

Finding A New Path

We are always finding new paths as we walk this thing called life. To make a change in life all you need is dedication, fight, and perseverance.  I have always lived my life as an optimist. I have never seen another way. To me, life is all about experience, growth, creativity, relationships, success. (however you define that) We grow up learning, doing, & becoming what we are exposed to and what we know. But…one thing I can vouch, is that I have always lived life on my own terms. I was never the conformist to what society portrayed as “the right path.” Adventure, travel, creativity is what has led me to where I am today and where I will always be.

Let’s skip way ahead. I have breathed, lived, & worked in the most creative way possible. If there was a will, there was a way. Sure, at one point I thought I wanted a piece of the corporate world. I even completed my masters degree with an MFA in Fashion Design dreaming to work at a big luxurious fashion house. But throughout my degree, I only found myself pushing the envelope and doing something so off the charts different building sustainable fashion collections before sustainability was even a “thing”.

Upon graduation, I connected with a friend and we came together diving head on into the startup world. This was one for the books! Our travels to Silicon Valley, the mind blowing people we worked with, highs and lows just kept fueling my soul. It was like riding a roller coaster for 8 years straight. Furthermore, I was always creatively inventing, coming up with ingenious concepts, and it was so amazing putting everything into action. After getting excepted to present our startup at Techmanity, a Fast Company startup event, I was sure our hard work and dedication was going to be the start of huge dreams, financial freedom, and leveling the playing field for people in an industry that needed so much help! It all felt so right, this was my soul purpose for everything I had learned my entire life. Until things took a dramatic turn several years later.

We all scrambled finding a new path when Covid shook the world. Times were tough, everything was unstable, and there was so much unknown. I often wondered if our business would survive, but I always stayed optimistic. We continually persevered through the toughest times and kept things moving forward.

But it that moment that things shifted dramatically when I caught Covid19. My life flashed before my eyes when I died and came back to life after being in the hospital for 30+ days. My lungs failed, I was on a bipap, and minutes from the vent. It’s been 20 months and I am still not close to the person I once was. Today I live in chronic pain, on oxygen at night and in elevation and the only thing that keeps me going is optimism. That’s all I got!

So here I am today, finding a new path as I am about to turn 49. Back in June 2022, a friend & colleague handed me a camera and asked me to be his photography studio manager. I’ve always had a huge passion for photography, but it was always just a hobby. I spent many years shooting landscapes, but never really people. Until now…I was thrown into family, senior, elopement & wedding photoshoots. And guess what…I LOVE the work!

I find it interesting how throughout our lives we continually grow into new spaces that build on our passions or circle back to something you may have never fathomed doing. Today I am combining all my passions from my previous career & life chapters working in the creative industry from education, graphics, branding, fashion, building startups, photography and beyond. Wanderluxe Studio provides laidback luxury branding, photography, and education services for those who are adventurous souls like myself. We are a team of designers, storytellers, brand strategists, Showit website designers, photographers, educators, and creative adventurers. Our mission is to craft stories that are rooted in artistry & intention.

Whether you are looking to start a new business, in need of branding & art direction, looking for business resources or products, or simply want to tell a visual story through a photoshoot, you’ve found our little virtual nook.

We would love to help you make strides in business & life!

Reach out to learn more


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If you're a lover of wanderlust, beauty of nature, simplicity, laidback luxury, a hint of spunk, good healthy eats, wine, tequila, and obsessing over your pup...You've come to the right place. 






